Protecting Employers Since 1985
End of Summer Labor Law Checklist
1. Defunct Labor Contract? Construction industry employers are particularly vulnerable to this issue. It may not be defunct! A typical fact pattern is that years ago the contractor signed an assent agreement which typically has language binding them to successor agreements. Later, the company assumed that the contract was stale because they had employed no one in this trade for some time. But, still later big problems appeared when the union resurrected the contract and made various claims of violations. Contact us to get contracts like this properly cancelled.
2. Union Pension Fund Liability If you are contributing to a union pension fund, find out if that fund carries with it unfunded liability (often known as MPPAA liability) and how much it is. There is much more to this than just making the contractual pension fund contributions. Wessels Sherman can guide you through the simple process.
3. NLRB and Employee Handbooks The NLRB has been aggressively attacking innocent appearing handbook provisions and finding that these policies are unfair labor practices as potential interference with protected concerted activity. This is very tricky stuffy, and we can quickly do an analysis to clean up your handbook.
4. Wessels Sherman Telephone Consultation Program Our $75 monthly unlimited phone consultation program is the best HR tool out there. If you are an employer, you should be a part of it. Contact us to sign up.
Questions? Contact Attorney Richard Wessels at our St. Charles office at (630) 377-1554 or by email at
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