Protecting Employers Since 1985

What Policies Should A Company Have in Their Employee Handbook?

An employee handbook provides communication between employer and employee as to the rights and responsibilities of each party. It is the basis for the terms and conditions of the relationship

What types of policies should be in the employee handbook of Illinois employers?

Below is a list of examples:

  • Employment Relationship Policy
  • Discrimination/Harassment/Violence/Bullying Policies
  • Compensation and Benefits Policies
  • Leave of Absence Policies
  • Reasonable Accommodation Policies
  • Policies Regarding Employee Conduct
  • Confidentiality Policies
  • Social Media Policies

What specific elements and specific policies should be included in the employee handbook of Illinois employers?

Under federal law, if you have 50 or more employees and have an employee handbook, your company is legally required to have the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act as a policy in the handbook.

Also, under federal and state law, employers with government contracts in excess of certain amounts are required to have an anti-harassment policy in their handbook.

I invite you to attend our upcoming teleseminar to get more information about what employee handbook policies are legally required in Illinois. See our website for complete details and registration information.

Questions? Contact Attorney Tony Caruso in our St. Charles office at (630) 377-1554 or by e-mail at

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